The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Best Sellers In History – “Jesus Christ” | Donald Kelly - 1517



Disclaimer: This episode isn’t to convince listeners to become Christians; it’s to highlight how Jesus Christ persuaded people (a crucial sales trait.) As we near Christmas Day, we thought it would be fun to revisit an episode from the TSE Archives. In this episode, Donald kicked off his “Best Sellers in History” series with Jesus Christ. How did he start a movement, persuade people, and convince people to change their lives? Well, he sold them on the idea! And here are the seven reasons he was so successful: He Showed Sympathy and Built Rapport: Even when nobody else would, he sat with ordinary people and those marginalized by society. People didn’t understand these actions, but Jesus shared that a physician comes to heal the sick, not the healthy. In the same way, Jesus spent time with people who needed his help the most.  He made an impact: Jesus modeled how he wanted people to treat one another. As a sales rep, set yourself apart from others by understanding your prospect's pain points and then offerin