Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Redefine Progress And Break Through Your Plateaus



When was the last time you hit a plateau? Were your pull-ups stuck on a particular number of reps? Did your pushups stall out before hitting the double digits you desired? Plateaus happen in fitness. It’s a natural part of the process. However, the typical method of “pushing through” them might actually aid in keeping you stuck. Trying to progress in a linear fashion makes sense when you first start working out, but at some point, you aren’t going to be able to keep progressing, if you define progress as simply lifting heavier weight or doing more reps. As you advance in your training, you’ll discover that progress is in fact anything but linear. On this episode of the GMB Show, we welcome Adrienne Harvey (otherwise known as Girya Girl). Adrienne’s well versed in bodyweight training and skills work as well as kettlebell training. Adrienne talks very candidly about her experience in not just overcoming plateaus, but how she had to reframe her ideas of “progress” in order to continue to see success in her