Primal Blueprint Podcast

Episode #42: Ask the Primal Doctor – Q&A with Dr. Cate Shanahan



Primal Blueprint Podcast welcomes Dr. Cate Shanahan, who will join the podcast to answer questions on a monthly rotation. In this show, we learn some fascinating insights about Cate's unique approach to optimal eating–a Primal-friendly philosophy that's based on her unique "4 Pillars of World Cuisine" philosophy, which examines the dietary habits of traditional cultures for similar health-promoting themes. Cate suggests that a collective downfall in diet occurred around 1950, when the post-war momentum drove us toward chemically-altered, heavily-processed foods that inflicted deep harm on a genetic level.She discusses how her interest in the genetic effects of food first took shape when she was a frequently injured collegiate runner, and later when she noticed the exceptional health of her patients in rural Kauai who ate a nutritious native islander diet.As a longtime primary care practitioner, Cate then discusses the conflict between her dietary philosophy and the traditional medical care system, especially