Primal Blueprint Podcast

How to Support Healthy Skin Bacteria



Mark expands the Primal Blueprint Podcast by recording select Mark's Daily Apple posts for your listening pleasure!Last week, I introduced the concept of the skin biome: the vast communities of microbes living on and in our skin. For some, it was unsettling. Gut microbes are out of sight, out of mind. But skin microbes are on us. They’re crawling, reproducing, digesting, and secreting various fluids and lipids all over the surface of our bodies. In people who’ve been conditioned to use soap and water to remove every last trace of bacteria from our hands and skin, the idea that our hands, faces, arms, and torsos are teeming with microbes – and that it’s probably unwise to remove them all – is hard to swallow. We might even recoil at the thought. I mean, viruses and mites living on us? Really?(These Mark's Daily Apple articles were written by Mark Sisson, and are narrated by Brock Armstrong)