The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

TSE 1060: TSE Certified Sales Training Program - "Stories Are Everywhere"



Stories pack a lot of power for sellers when used in the proper sales framework, and the good news is that stories are everywhere. Today we’re sharing an excerpt from TSE Certified Sales Training Program that addresses how you can effectively use stories in your own sales. UTILIZING STORIES Stories have existed since the dawn of time. Early cave drawings told stories of cavemen hunting, and those stories have been passed down. It’s true of cultures and of the Bible. Stories paint a picture for us. Stories exist in movies, songs, social media, and books. It all points to the fact that we love stories. Society loves stories because that’s how we make sense of the world. Imagine you’re meeting with a prospect for the first time. Instead of talking about your widget and your certification, which could be boring, share a compelling reason for your prospect to do business with you. Instead, share a problem and a solution to help me understand. STORY STRUCTURE Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The begi