The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

TSE 1304: How To Generate Interest In Lost Opportunities



How To Generate Interest In Lost Opportunities    Every so often, a prior interest doesn’t end with a good close. Sometimes, there are lost opportunities. As a salesperson, how do you generate interest in lost opportunities? Today’s episode will talk about how you can turn “trash” to treasure!    Have you experienced winning a deal that came from a lost opportunity? How did you do it? Leave a comment below!    Defining lost opportunity Imagine this sales scenario: You are moving through the sales process with a new prospect and he/she is very excited to work with you. For some reason, however, before you get a chance to close the prospect loses interest. You’re not alone. A study from HubSpot shows that almost half the deals are lost due to budget and the other half is because of timing. Other reasons for a loss of interest are as follows are because of the lack of the prospect’s authority, no time to review or wanting more time to review the deal, and lack of urgency. Your deal became a back-burner item and