The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

TSE 1372: Convert Prospects Using Text Messaging Tactics



There are many ways you can convert prospects to clients but one way is by using text messaging tactics. What are these tactics? In this episode, Matt Baglia talks about this conversion opportunity.  Getting to know Matt Baglia Matt Baglia considers himself as an accidental CEO. He is the co-founder and CEO of SlickText. Over the past nine years, his roles have varied between marketing, sales, development, design, support, and more.  Use text messaging tactics to convert prospects  With SMS, you must get permission before you can text prospects. It’s different with emails because a prior business relationship is enough reason for you to start messaging them.  Every prospect needs to opt-in and every single person and message needs to be treated like gold.  B2B gets a little tougher as opposed to B2C when it comes to SMS marketing. There’s a lot more catching up in B2B.  In B2C, you always need to bring value to the end consumers. On the B2B side, it’s more about knowing and understanding the risks of every o