The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Goal Setting: Top Goal-Setting Mistakes Salespeople Make (and How You Can Avoid Making Them) | Jason Scott Earl - 1383



Sales people have so many goals they are working toward it’s inevitable that there will be goal-setting mistakes made along the way. In this episode, Dr. Jason Scott Earl is going to help us avoid these mistakes.  Errors made when setting goals A common goal-setting mistake that’s made is trying to do too many things at once.  What’s helpful in goal setting is the ability to focus on just one or two. This will help you prioritize your actions as you move toward accomplishing these goals. What leads to failure is trying to be everything to everyone. Identify your specific role.  Focus on the one thing that you can accomplish that will improve your life financially, mentally, or spiritually.   Make a short list of goals and a new list of priorities. If you’re avoiding these actions, it’s important to make changes that will get you moving in the right direction again. When Dr. Earl was working through his own goal-setting mistakes, his biggest problem was not setting clear expectations.  He found that you could