The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Prospecting: How to Keep Imposter Syndrome from Destroying Your Cold-Calling Efforts | Donald Kelly - 1394



Are you one of the many sales reps who suffer from imposter syndrome? If so, how can you keep imposter syndrome from destroying your cold-calling efforts? Join Donald as he talks about the subject.   Defining imposter syndrome  Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where an individual doubts his/her own abilities to do something. This then prevents them from acting or doing what they’re supposed to do.  One would usually feel the imposter syndrome when they’re doing a task that’s new to them. For example, if you are new to a selling marketing services role but you have very little experience in sales, you may feel overwhelmed when selling your services to large companies.  You may feel like a fraud when speaking with Chief Marketing Officers and others.  As mentioned, it’s a psychological pattern. It’s a way of thinking that you’re not capable of doing something and that you’ll always be seen as a fraud.  The truth about imposter syndrome Imposter syndrome is a belief.  With imposter syndrome, your