The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Discovery Meeting: Why Your Discovery Meeting is the Most Critical of All | Donald Kelly - 1409



In today’s episode, Donald Kelly talks about the reasons why your discovery meeting is the most critical of all when it comes to sales.  The challenging part of the sales process Many people make the mistake of taking discovery meetings for granted during the sales process.  There are typically two sides of the sales process: the prospecting side and the closing side.  The prospecting side is the hustle part that many salespeople don’t care for as much.  The closing side is when the transaction is completed.  Another critical part of the sales journey is the discovery meeting.  Sometimes, salespeople assume things about their clients and prospects without checking in with them. They go to the presentation right away and do it beautifully, too. They are taken aback when the prospect doesn't close the deal with them.  For Donald, the discovery part of your sales process is more important than the close.  Without discovery, you won’t be able to close.  You have prospects that do not fit your product and service