The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Sales Objections 101 | Donald Kelly - 1422



Sales isn’t sales without objections. As a sales rep, how will you overcome objections? In this episode, Donald Kelly talks about the basics of sales objections.  The basics in sales objections An objection is defined as an expression or feeling of disapproval, an opposition or reason of disagreeing.  From the buyer's perspective, objections are when the buyer has disapproval or maybe they don’t agree with something.  Common disapproval in sales training is when the potential clients say that they don’t believe that the training can help their team.  There’s truth in that objection but sometimes, the reason may just be because you have interjected yourself into the buyer’s situation or they may be uncomfortable with the situation moving forward.  One of the things that most people don’t like about salespeople is that they can come off as being pushy sometimes.  When we’re being pushy, the buyers or prospects won’t be in a state where they’d be ready to listen and be interested in the products or services off