Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

0503 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—in a nutshell



Today’s expression and dialog:  in a nutshell Do you think I can use this song in my YouTube video? Well, the copyright laws are very strict. And complicated.                      Yeah. But in a nutshell, if you didn’t make it, don’t use it.   Lots of people ask me, "How did you become an English teacher?" Well, to be honest, it is a pretty long and boring story. If I were to tell you, you would be sleeping after five minutes! So, I try to SHORTEN the story and I try to use as FEW words as possible. Do you want to know the answer? Let's check it out...YOU: Coach Shane, how did you become an English teacher?ME: A Korean guy asked me to help him with a sentence, so I did. I liked it, and I continued helping! And here I am today! WOW! Pretty short, huh? And it's true!! And this little story is what Today's Expression is all about! Enjoy^^Your English coach,Shane     Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sp