Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

0520 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—hand-me-downs



Today’s expression and dialog:  hand-me-downs You’re throwing away all those clothes? Yeah. They’re hand-me-downs. Let me see them. I’ll take some of these! Help yourself. They were my uncle’s.   As most of you know, I am an American football fan. I love the Green Bay Packers! And when I was young, one of my FAVORITE shirts was a Green Bay Packers shirt! In fact, if you visit my website and click on ABOUT COACH SHANE you will see a picture there of me in that shirt! Many years ago!! Anyway, that shirt was a "used" shirt. It used to belong to my Uncle John...or was it Uncle Jim? I'm not sure! However, when we talk about USED CLOTHES in English--especially used by a different family member, we do NOT say USED CLOTHES! We have another expression and that's what you will learn today! Have a SUPER weekend,Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the inf