

Max asks: "What are the benefits of monolingual flashcards?" Episode Summary: Today's podcast: Monolingual flashcards at the beginner / intermediate level Challenge the assumption that you should create monolingual flashcards - how else can you be using the time? Do not use monolingual flashcards to learn the meaning of vocabulary: Definitions Example sentences Instead, use flashcards to practise your output - i.e. choosing the appropriate word and recalling it quickly Big danger: You quickly "learn" the cards, and the exercise stops being useful. Make sure you're not deceiving yourself about the benefits. For this reason, I would avoid creating cards with e.g.: Definitions Complete the dialogue How I might approach monolingual flashcards myself: Don't see it as a "testing" mechanism, but rather a "retrieval" mechanism - i.e. use the technology to help you see the vocabulary more often. Some thoughts: Close deletion (but how soon until you "learn the card"?) Learning Chinese characters A deck of synon