The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 505: Covid-19 Vulnerability & Clinically Proven Tips To Reduce Your Risk



We know that some of the largest risk factors for COVID-19 include underlying diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. While at times it might feel like there’s a lot going on in the world that’s out of our control, our ability to take care of our bodies is always in our hands. We know that there are certain habits and behaviors we can do to help our innate and adaptive immune system work at its optimal levels.  On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear from a multitude of experts from different specialties on real-world, actionable steps we can take to reduce our risk and susceptibility to COVID-19. This episode is meant to empower you with the information you need to get yourself, your family, and your community healthier.  You’re going to learn about how habits like fasting and breathing tie into immune health, and how our immune system works in conjunction with other systems like the gut and respiratory system. You’ll hear about specific vitamins and fo