Circulation: Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology On The Beat

Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology August 2018 Issue



Paul Wang:         Welcome to the monthly podcast, On the Beat for Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. I'm Dr Paul Wang, editor-in-chief, with some of the key highlights from this month's issue. In our first paper from the Finland Group Registry, Nordenswan and her colleagues have further defined the risk of sudden cardiac death in ventricular arrhythmias in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis. While it has been observed that there's a high risk of lethal arrhythmias in cardiac sarcoidosis patients with high grade AV block, the incidents in these patients with lone AV block, in the absence of known VT or left ventricular dysfunction, has not been described. From the patients with myocardial inflammatory diseases in their registry, the authors identified 143 cardiac sarcoidosis patients with high grade AV block. Of these patients, 90 had lone AV block. For these patients, the five-year composite incidence of sudden cardiac death or VT was 24%, in comparison with 54% in AV block with ventricular tachyc