Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Episode 356:Spider-History January 1996



JR takes us back to January 1996 to review a record number of titles that came out this month 19 years ago. JR reviews * Sensational Spider-Man # 0 *Amazing Spider-Man # 407 *Spider-Man # 64 *Spectacular Spider-Man # 230 *Spider-Man Unlimited #11 *Web of Scarlet Spider # 3 *Spider-Man: Final Adventure #2 *Untold Tales of Spider-Man # 5 The episode begins with a bit of a follow up to a news topic we discussed earlier this month. Eddie DeAngelini is our guest and he discusses selling his Amazing Spider-Man collection to buy a portion of Hi De Ho Comics. JR took him to task a bit in episode # 354 and Eddie has a rebuttal.