Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Podcast # 444-Gerry Conway Interview



We welcome writer Gerry Conway to the podcast. Conway is currently writing the Carnage and Renew Your Vows books for Marvel. This is his third time getting a crack at writing the webhead after a long absense and it's a welcome return. During the interview we discuss. *Why killing Gwen Stacy was the best thing to happen to the character *How Mary Jane was a much better love interest for Peter Parker. *Why Stan Lee possibly wrote Gwen as the main love interest *Why he wanted to kill Norman and set up Harry as the main goblin *His time working with Steve Ditko on a Spider-Man annual in the 1980s. *His time working with JR from our podcast on the book Webslinger, *The differences in working in comics in the 70's and today. *We also answer your dozens of questions from our message board. *Discussion on the differences on working with John Romita, Gil Kane and Ross Andru *Discussion on the new ongoing Renew Your Vows.