Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Podcast #698-Spider-History The Child Within Pt. 1



JR travels back to 1991 and looks at the Child Within storyline. It has Harry Osborn loosing his mind along with Vermin facing his past. Peter also reflects on his parents. The fans have been asking JR to look at this storyline for years. The issues covered include:  Spectacular Spider-Man #178 Spectacular Spider-Man #179 Spectacular Spider-Man #180 Patreon members made this episode possible If you would like to sign up and receive some very cool perks and swag, here's the link.  https://www.patreon.com/crawlspace If you would like to see the video of this podcast check it out here.  https://youtu.be/B-ao-oc0yao Be sure to visit our main page at: http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com Be sure to follow us on social media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpiderManCrawlspace Twitter https://twitter.com/crawlspace101 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialcrawlspace/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/spidermancrawlspace