Bros Watch Pll Too - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast

s07e03 “The Talented Mr. Rollins”



Recapping Season 7, Episode 3 of Pretty Little Liars. Ezra is out of town, which means Aria can reclaim her role as the chief Liar operator and go Ethan Hunt on Wrick Wrollins in the DiLaurentis House, Hanna is pretending to still be engaged and doesn’t want to talk about it—or her torture experience at A’s hands—leading up to a clockwork tragedy, Emily decides to be a bartender at The Radley for two seconds after getting rejected by Sabrina, who then shows up at her work with a girl to rub it in, and Spencer is forcing herself to have difficult talks with Caleb about #Spaleb, taking L’s left and right, but at least wearing an awesome trench coat while doing it.