The Best Passive Income Model Podcast

Flipping Expert Justin Colby Shares How Persistence is the Secret to Success



In this episode, Justin Colby, president and co-founder of, Omni Investment Group, and Phoenix Wealth Builders, shares his compelling story of persistence that led him to success in the market.  He discusses his best-selling Amazon book "The Science of Flipping" and offers tips to help you excel even when the odds are stacked against you.  Gain valuable insight from an industry leader to get the edge and sail to the top of the market. As a leading investment expert, Justin gained success because he refused to give up.  Before he and his partner succeeded, they lost everything - their homes, their cars - everything. But, they refused to give up on the goal of succeeding and building the future they envisioned.  After 9 months, they closed their first deal and the rest - as they say - is history.  With a lot of determination and hard work, they've built 3 successful businesses and an investment empire they can be proud of. Justin offers tips on how you can get your start in the business