

Is it normal to feel insecure with competition? How do you deal with it?   What if you've got someone chasing your spot.... and it just happens to be a friend or a teammate? What do you do in this situation?   In this episode, I break down how to deal with situations like these, and come out on top.   (1:53) The inspiration behind today's episode - shoutout to Stan! @stanrybarz (4:38) Competition can cause insecurity (6:00) A reality check and reminder that we are as human as the greatest sports legends (12:45) #1: Embrace the feelings of insecurity (13:54) #2: Clearly define your process for mastery (14:45) #3: Invest deeper into your process (15:31) #4: Vent, often (22:08) #5: Embrace opportunities that you need to compete (24:08)