The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 112: He Quit Google Now Serial Entrepreneur



3 Key Points: Understand your customer pain points and alleviate them—it’s the quickest way to success. Know your growth story and paint the vision. Don’t waste a moment in a day—once time ticks past, it’s gone forever. Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:01 – Nathan’s introduction to today’s show 01:55 – Ethan loves product because it’s all about understanding what the customer needs to make their life easier 02:28 – What it’s like working at Google and why Ethan left 03:55 – The Google video team was floored when YouTube was bought 04:55 – The story behind Red Beacon 07:00 – Red Beacon made money by taking a percentage of service provide bids 08:15 – The problem with Red Beacon was an absence of usage frequency 10:15 – Companies don’t get sold, they get bought 11:30 – The original concept of MyTime was to become the Amazon of local services 12:45 – MyTime Marketplace gets 1M visitors per month 13:50 – 2/3 business still use pen and paper 15:20 – Time is precious—once it’s gone, it’s gone 16:10 – MyTime is a