The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

Amy Tells Nathan he's Wrong on Membership Sites with Amy Schmittauer of



Ep 130 Amy Schmittauer of joins Nathan. Amy Schmittauer is Founder of, a video blog empowering brands to embrace their amazing personality and share it with the world. Leading the charge in video blogging for business, Amy has grown a community of advocates who’ve helped the brand amass more than 2 million views in turn growing her social business coaching and speaking career. YOUR $100: Remember to subscribe to the show on itunes then text the word "nathan" to 33444 to confirm that you've done it to enter to win $100 every Monday on the show. Do this now. Stop reading this and do it! Click here to join the top tribe and instantly learn how Nathan made his first $10k at 19 years old: 3 Key Points: Say NO more!!! Advice Doesn’t Matter if you don’t take action. Unless you’re a content guru, membership sites are HARD. Episode Notes:  01:03 – Nathan’s introduction to today’s show  01:30 – Amy Schmittauer joins the show 02:15 – YouT