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0 to 80m Monthly Unique Website Views and Millions in Revenue by 31 with Gerard Adams of Elite Daily EP 228



Gerard Adams, Millennial thought-leader and founder of Elite Daily—an online publication that caters to the interests and needs of the Millennial Generation. Listen as Nathan quizzes Gerard on the revenue model of Elite Daily, their acquisition by Daily Mail, and the key to keeping content creators happy. Bio:No Bio Available Famous 5Favorite Book? – Nothing to Lose, Everything to GainWhat CEO do you follow?— Elon MuskWhat is your favorite online tool?— Fifteen FiveDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— YesIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Build the right team. Time Stamped Show Notes:01:03 – Nathan’s introduction 01:33 – Welcoming Gerard to the show 01:45 – 31 Years old02:00 – First million made through establishing a PR and Marketing company for small businesses02:32 – 10M a year in revenue across a team of 5 people03:00 – www.EliteDaily.com03:48 – Roughly $20M in revenue in 201504:40 – One of Elite Daily’s 1st native ads06:25 – Partnering with T-Mobile07:21 – Elite Daily was a