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From Apple to Raising $250k on Kickstarter For His New Hardware Company with Nils Mattison EP 230



Nils Mattisson, CEO of Minut, a company that designs tools to help homeowners monitor their homes. Listen as Nathan grills Nils on the basis of Minut’s product pricing, their investment sources, and the likelihood of Minut taking off in the consumer hardware market. Famous 5Favorite Book? –The Innovator’s DilemmaWhat CEO do you follow?— None What is your favorite online tool?—SlackDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Always take the leap, no matter the fear.Time Stamped Show Notes:01:03 – Nathan’s introduction 01:09 – Welcoming Nils to the show01:25 – Nils role at Apple02:05 – Working on the original iPhone 03:53 – What Minut does05:43 – How the Minut algorithm works07:19 – Finding success on Kickstarter08:20 – The costs of production for Minut08:45 – In consumer hardware, prices drop rapidly as products take off—sell for 4x production cost10:31 – How are new buyers finding the product10:44 – Pre-sold 4K products, now delivering11:21 – Eight