The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

The Clever Way This 26 Year Old Is Making $128k/mo PROFIT with Regan Hillyer Episode 236



Regan Hillyer, a personal development coach, wellness educator, and founder of Regan International. Listen as Regan walks The Top audience through the nuances of her all-online coaching program, and explains what she does to ensure the programs stay tailored to her clients’ needs. Famous 5Favorite Book? – E-MythWhat CEO do you follow?— Gary VWhat is your favorite online tool?— ClickfunnelsDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?— Just jump straight to a personal brand Time Stamped Show Notes:01:00 – Nathan’s introduction01:46 – Welcoming Regan to the show02:04 – How Regan generates revenue02:16 – An all-online coaching and education Success MindsetPersonal Branding05:19 – 3 one-on-one clients summed up to $50K07:45 – Walking away with your own personal brand09:25 – Robin Nikora Scott—certified change specialist10:43 – 200 clients in the low-end membership site11:59 – Tailored programs basing on clients’ needs12:31 – You need to compound your succ