The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

He Sells Craft Beer On Demand, $250k in 2015, $2m in 2016, EP 259: Charlie Mulligan



Charlie Mulligan , co-founder of BrewPublik - a business that Charlie wants to become “Amazon for beer”. Brewpublik provide a premium catering service delivering craft beer to homes and offices in cities across the States. Listen as Nathan and Charlie talk expansion, investment, and how much to sell a start-up for. Famous 5 Favorite Book? – The Goal What CEO do you follow? — Jeff Bezos What is your favorite online tool? — Intercom Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? —To have more confidence. I can do anything if I set my mind to it. Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:22 – Nathan’s introduction 01:40 – Welcoming Charlie to the show 02:00 – Match over 3,000 types of craft beer to a taste profile 02:30 – BrewPublik delivers beers to your office or home 02:50 – $75 for a case of 24 bottles 03:13 – Offers one-off orders, regular subscriptions and monthly memberships 03:40 – Founded in 2014 04:02 – $275k revenue in 2015 04:15 – Delivered around 80k bot