The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 325: She Sold Her Busines to Bill Gates



Beate Chelette. Beate went from being a single mother in debt, to selling her image licensing business to Bill Gates for millions. She’s a successful coach and speaker, and the author of Happy Woman, Happy World and The Women’s Code. Listen in to learn why equality and diversity are good for business, how to build a million-dollar company without owning any assets, and the hard story behind success. Famous 5: Favorite Book? – The Compound Effect What CEO do you follow? — Marc Benioff Favourite online tool? — Infusionsoft Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? — Don’t take it so personally. And it takes time. Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:11 – Nathan’s introduction 02:20 – Welcoming Ilya to the show 02:40 – Biyathe cornered the market in architecture and interiors photography 03:40 – Acquired by Bill Gates’ business Corbis 04:40 – Were at around $1 million in revenue from licensing 05:02 – “You can build a business where you don’t own any assets