The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 351: $50K Monthly Revenue, Finally Designers Can Quickly Give File to Developers with Anh Vu of Avocode



Anh Vu, the founder and CEO of Avocode - a tool to connect front-end designers and back-end developers and make fantastic collaboration simple. Anh’s background is in design, but he’s building a SaaS business with negative churn and great profits by being totally on top of his numbers.   Famous 5:   Favorite Business Book? – The Startup Playbook What CEO do you follow? — Hiten Shah Favorite online tool? — Chart Mogul Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? —Measure everything, be really data driven, and focus on retention   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:13 – Nathan’s introduction 01:50 – Avocode makes it easy for front-end designers to share information with back-end developers 02:50 – The designer uploads the design into Avocode, where all the team can access it, leave notes, and make revisions. Then the developer can access all the design assets through Avocode 03:25 – As of May 2016,  $50k MRR 03:57 – Launched in February 2015 03:54 – $25