The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 434: Top SaaS Planning Tool Hits $600k in MRR, 1800 Customers, $13M Raised, Growing Fast With CEO Liz Pearce



Liz Pearce, CEO of LiquidPlanner–a fast-growing, Seattle based, maker of dynamic project management technology—and an active member of the Seattle startup and technology community. Listen as Liz talks about her passion in mentoring and advocating for technology and leadership. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Search Inside Yourself What CEO do you follow? – “My Top 5 Customers” Favorite online tool? — Mint Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “Don’t let go of  your interest and you will always get something back when you give”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:38 – Nathan introduces Liz to the show 02:02 – What LiquidPlanner is and how it generates revenue 02:08 – Project management software 02:28 – How does the customer use Liquid planner 03:13 – LiquidPlanner is a SaaS business model charge per user 03:30 - Pricing 03:52 – First year revenue in 2007 04:01 – Worked as a marketing contractor of the business 04:32 – What happened to