The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

682: Why Tech Companies Are Opening Salt Lake City Offices With CloudCherry CEO Vinod Muthukrishnan



Vinod Muthukrishnan. He was first a sailor then a strategist and now an entrepreneur. He was fortunate and has worked in diverse and challenging environments starting with the Merchant Navy, a high energy mobile first financial technology startup where he had a strategy and global sales. Now, he currently serves as co-founder and CEO of a company called Cloudcherry, a tech startup based in Pleasanton, California with offices in Singapore, India and a new location Vinod will show. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – High Output Management What CEO do you follow? – Nick Mehta Favorite online tool? — Trello How many hours of sleep do you get?— 4.5-5 If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? – Vinod wished he knew programming back then   Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:46 – Nathan introduces to the show 01:22 – The new location is in Salt Lake City 01:36 – Cloudcherry has 74 people 01:40 – They are based in India and Singapore 01:47 – Cloudcherry has raised $7M with a total of around $