The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

709: 17,000 Using This To Manage Wardrobe Efficiently



Blake Smith. He’s the CEO and co-founder of Cladwell, a clothing company that doesn’t sell clothing. His goal is to fight for sustainability and human labor practices by enabling people to buy fewer, but better clothes. Blake was at The Top a year ago where he articulated that they passed 11,500 customers with each customer paying $6/month; so, they were doing about $70K MRR a year ago. They were at about 5% churn, monthly spending and at $17 to acquire new customers. They’re based in Cincinnati and they’ve raised about $1.8M and $100K in revenue. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Wooden on Leadership What CEO do you follow? – Ben Horowitz Favorite online tool? — Calendly How many hours of sleep do you get?— 2 If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? – Blake would tell himself the importance of following your curiosity as opposed to having a strategy or a plan   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:04 – Nathan introduces Blake to the show 01:59 – Cladwell’s current customers is around 1