Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

Mini: Are there People that Make You Crazy? / Spartan MIND 060



Dr. Lara Pence says: We are a society of human beings that engage in relationships, look for connection, and are looking for ways that we fit into the pie of community. So it’s no wonder that we can get activated in relationships and with the people that we come in contact with. Getting activated is often best identified by feeling irritable, angry, frustrated, or ‘hot’ when you're in connection with someone. We all get activated but understanding where the activation is coming from and how to work through it can be an important factor when trying to make the next best choice. LESSONS: We can all become activated in relationships and when we are in engagement with another person. A few questions to ask yourself when you feel yourself getting activated: Where is this coming from? (insecurity / fear) Does this person remind me of someone? How can I breathe, take perspective, and make the next best choice? Do I need to circle back with this person (or myself) in order to get more clear on what was activated? SU