Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

What Data tells us About Optimal Performance with WHOOP's Will Ahmed & Joe De Sena



Should you eat before bed? What’s the best time to train hard? What’s the simplest way to improve sleep? Can respiration rate changes identify COVID 19? Three pillars: strain, recovery, and sleep are vital to succeeding peak performance says WHOOP founder Will Ahmed. We are all trying to become the healthiest versions of ourselves - yet there are some physiological indicators that can’t necessarily be felt but can be measured. In fact, groundbreaking data from WHOOP tracking enabled a PGA tour pro golfer to identify COVID before he had any known symptoms. Information is power, and in this interview, Ahmed shares data patterns gleaned from hundreds of thousands of users that you can implement today. Should you eat before bed? What’s the best time to train hard? What’s the simplest way to improve sleep?  Will says- measurements can motivate!   LESSONS Develop a sense of curiosity Train optimally  Use information as a preventative tool  Strain, recovery & sleep are the three pillars Routines are key You c