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S1E5: Lessons From the Edge with Jordan Guernsey



“I’m the happiest person with cancer in the world. It’s made me really love my family, it’s really made me appreciate my kids...waking up every single day and seeing the sun, and seeing the mountains and just appreciating that has been phenomenal.” - Jordan Guernsey This is one of my most treasured interviews. In this episode I talk with a dear friend Jordan Guernsey just weeks before he passed away. Jordan was an incredible person, father, and husband who was diagnosed with stage three melanoma cancer while in the midst of scaling his business. In this conversation we talk about the dangers of being a tunnel-visioned entrepreneur, Jordan’s struggle to step away from the business in order to focus on his health, his perspective on life and death, his family, meditation, and his spiritual journey during that time. To this day I am truly moved by the tenacity and hope with which Jordan dealt with his diagnosis, and the affirmation with which he chose to live out the limited time he had left. Be prepared to ques