The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 13: Diane Fu on CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, and the Importance of Strong Women



My guest today is one of the most notable and respected names in the CrossFit world, and an accomplished Olympic weightlifting specialist. If you’ve ever visited a CrossFit gym anywhere in the world and seen a chart on the wall demonstrating the ideal Olympic lifting movements and positions, you might already been familiar with her. She has been in the fitness industry all of her professional life, and has trained and worked early on with the great Kelly Starrett at SF CrossFit, long before either of them were what they are today. More recently she has competed nationally as an Olympic lifter, and is the head coach at FuBarbell. On another note, she’s just a crazy-strong lady who breaks barriers and personal records like it’s her business - and actually, it kind of is! For those who are interested in optimizing health or getting more out of their workouts, this interview will offer a lot of value. It’s also a really lively conversation, and has  tons of entertainment value!