The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 115: Entrepreneur & Eclectic Noah Kagan Shares His Best Tips on Learning, Productivity, and Entrepreneurship



Today, we’re joined by a very special guest - but one that I’m not even sure how to describe… He’s a serial entrepreneur, author, podcaster, internet marketer, eclectic, business expect, and taco lover. He was employee #30 at Facebook and #4 at Mint. He’s the entrepreneur behind such successes as Sumo and AppSumo. He’s regularly seen with and compared to greats like Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, Ramit Sethi, and more. Oh, and he just paid $1.5M for a domain name - what?   I was so excited to do this episode because although Noah and I have been in contact by email for years, we’ve never actually had the chance to sit down and have a real mind-meld. I really love him and his work, and I think you’re going to understand why immediately.   In this episode, we talk about… well, all kinds of stuff. Noah was his interesting, quirky, and insightful self right out of the gate, diving into his unique and effective learning philosophy. He managed to be SO interesting, that I got through less than half of the questions I had