The James Swanwick Show

How To Get James A Wife - Suzie Parkus



How can I get a wife? I’m single, 40 years old, and I don’t have a significant other.  Why has this been eluding me and how can I figure it out? Well, Today I’m going to do just that, as dating coach Suzie Parkus joins me on the show.  Suzie hails from the UK where she runs “Meet Your Match,” which helps others in their dating journey to finding the one they deserve. With a background in dating, coaching, matchmaking, and running a singles events business, Suzie has years of experience working with and helping busy people just like to you, to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals. She believes once you commit to opening up and bringing love in to your life, you will see a transformation in everything around you. Enjoy the show! Let me know what you think on twitter and instagram @jamesswanwick and