The James Swanwick Show

134: Can You Recycle Social Media? How Anyone Can Skyrocket Social Media Productivity with Laura Roeder of Edgar



The amount of social media in the world can be overwhelming, from a personal point of view and for businesses trying to use social media to promote their brand.              Most people start using social media for fun, posting their thoughts and activities live, to express themselves and connect with friends. But this use of social media can be stressful and ineffective when applied to marketing and a business strategy. It’s intimidating, and you can feel the need to be continually promoting yourself and your business on all platforms, all the time.              Laura Roeder, scalable social media expert and founder of the social media management platform Edgar, says there is another way.  In her words, “People get so caught up in following short term hacks that they forget the long term social media strategy.”              So what is a good long term social media strategy? Don’t post live and don’t be afraid to repeat content! This might seem counterintuitive, but only 5-10% of your audience are likely t