Muscle for Life

Greg Nuckols on the Best Way to Get Jacked



There aren’t very many people in the fitness space who I think everyone should follow, and my guest on this episode, Greg Nuckols, is one of those people. I’ve been reading his work for about a year now and really appreciate what he’s doing. When I have a question, his site, Stronger by Science, is one of the first places I check for an answer before venturing off into literature. As you can guess, I was really excited to get him on the podcast to talk about what he specializes in: the science of getting bigger and stronger. And specifically, I wanted Greg to address a hot topic these days, and that’s the relationship between gaining strength and size. In other words, does maximizing muscle strength also maximize muscle size, or as many people say, is strength training rather poor for making your muscles bigger. I get asked about this all the time and there’s a lot of misinformation out there, so I thought this would be a worthy discussion, and as expected, Greg knocks it out of the park. As you’ll see, he br