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TMHS 045: How Stress Can Make Us Fat, Dumb, And Unhappy (And 4 Tips To De-Stress NOW!)



In this episode of The Model Health Show we're discussing one of the biggest underlying causes of poor health and unwanted weight gain. It's a highly misunderstood phenomenon called STRESS. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. The definition of stress makes it sound even worse, but stress really doesn't have to be all that bad. You see, we actually need stress to grow, develop, and change. Mentally, physically, and spiritually stress helps us to reach more of our potential. The problem is when chronic stress creeps in, and individuals don't have stress management strategies to deal with it. The result is over 90 percent of all physician visits today are for stress-related illnesses. And if stress goes unchecked, if can also lead to excess body fat, poor mental performance, and even chronic depression. But how does stress do all of this really? In today's episode your going to learn exactly how stress works inside your bra