The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 111: Changing Your Self-Image, Leadership, And The ABC's Of Success - With Bob Proctor



Your life is like a wheel. There are so many different components that come together to create your own personal "circle of life" (cue the Lion King Music!). These components are: Your health - your family and relationships - your career/work or mission - your finances - and your spiritual health and contribution. Life is not complete without the growth and development in all of these areas. The problem is, we are usually very off balance in one or the other based on where we are in our life. Your body might be banging, but your finances are in the toilet. You might have awesome relationships, but you're simultaneously struggling in your career. So, you see, your "circle of life" (your wheel) is usually pretty jagged and bumpy because of some parts being up and some parts being down... and this is what leads to a very bumpy ride in life. The truth is, life will have it's ups and downs, but there can be a lot more smooth sailing if you're able to grow gracefully and consistently in all areas. The question real