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TMHS 118: Scary Dairy - The Pros And Cons Of Consuming Dairy Products



For a lot of us, nothing says love like some delicious milk and cookies. Or maybe it’s ice cream that you just can’t do without? Or hard cheeses? Or yogurt? Or maybe you get really sexy and dip your food into fondue? Whatever it may be that pulls on those heart strings for you, one thing is for certain: Dairy has a huge emotional connection with people in our world today. This, my health seeking friend, is at the very center of the situation… When it comes to dairy, a lot of people may be aware of the ill effects, but if you try to take it away they’ll cling on to that Ben & Jerry’s container like it’s the bonafide love of their life. They’ll say, “I’ll follow your fancy nutrition advice Mr. Health Guy, but I’m not giving up my dairy!” First of all, I’m not the guy that’s interested in taking things away from people. But if it’s causing you health problems like diabetes, high body fat, and allergies (you’re about to learn about all of that stuff in a minute) then maybe you might want to leave it alone for