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TMHS 172: Overcome Your Biggest Challenges With The Proven Benefits Of Expressive Writing - With Katie Dalebout



How do you actually know what you think? A lot of us are under the impression that we know what we think because we hear a lot of inner chatter in our heads (straightjacket not included), or because we talk about what we think with other people. But that’s not what we really think. The inner chatter in your head is mostly surface stuff; fluff. It’s the bright and shining outside of the orange that can easily hide the real juicy stuff in the middle. And the things you think that you share with other people - it’s filtered. A lot. Even your very best friends have probably never heard your deepest thoughts. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a safety mechanism to keep us comfortable and feeling as though we will be accepted. Filtering is socially acceptable because everybody does it whether they realize it or not. The only problem with it is that all of the real thoughts and feelings you have may never get looked at. The good, the bad, and the ugly in so many of our psychies is often heavily suppressed. The n