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TMHS 194: The Human Diet And How To Get Deep Nutrition - With Dr. Cate Shanahan



Most diets are really just guessing games. Even though a diet might claim to be the ultimate solution for health and weight loss, chances are they fail most people. And there’s a big (simple) reason why. Since the beginning of history, humans have tried to eat everything. If you can get some of it in your mouth, somebody has tried to eat it. Sometimes it made them feel good. Sometimes it made them keel over and die. Most importantly, someone was there to document the results as time has gone on, and the foundational human diet was born. For many years now, I often sit back and wonder what humans were really designed to eat, and if there’s really any “perfect food” for us. That question has driven me to keep searching, to keep experimenting, and to even roll the dice with my own food choices a time or fifty. I’m so over taking courageous crap shoots with health now-a-days. I’ve settled in comfortably knowing that I can look back on the wisdom of our ancestors and know exactly what will help me be the healthies