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TMHS 206: Exercise Your "NO" Muscle And Get Free To Focus - With Michael Hyatt



How often have you found yourself feeling stressed by time? How about the feeling that you don’t have enough time to do the things you really want to do? And, if you’re like most us, just thinking about how little time you have makes you so exhausted that you just eat some dessert, watch tv, and waste even more time? It’s crazy how time can do such a number on our psyches. But, today, we’ve got some major solutions to our society’s crazy time epidemic! Time is not measured by clocks, it’s measured by moments. The more that we can take control of how we invest our time, the more we’re going to be present for the moments that really make life worth living. On the health side, time worry is actually a major cause of anxiety. So much futurecasting, and not feeling empowered to do the things we want, can lead to a subtle, or very strong, feeling of helplessness. To help all of us become a better master of our days, I called in one of the top productivity and leadership experts in the world. His story is remarkable