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TMHS 217: Create Epic Health, Wealth, And Relationships Through The Power Of No - With James Altucher



Every choice we make in life instantly has two outcomes. Every time you say yes to something, you are inherently saying no to something else. And every time you say no to something, you are automatically saying yes to something else. For example, when you say yes to eating healthy food, then you are saying no to eating deep-fried Twinkies by default. That cream-stuffed heart attack may be attractive, but one yes decision accomplishes both in one fell swoop. That example is for a positive outcome. But in a negative context, saying yes to a job that you can’t stand (and not opening yourself up to another one), is saying no to a career that you could really enjoy, automatically. You can have anything, but you can’t have everything. And your no’s and yes’s are the priceless currency of your life. According to bestselling author James Altucher, The Power of No is one of the least utilized keys to a healthy and happy life. When you say “NO” to the things that you don’t want, then you actually make room for the thin