The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 429: Stop Hating Yourself Into Health & Fit2Fat2Fit Reloaded! - With Guest Drew Manning



“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eye for an instant?”  – Henry David Thoreau When you’re on the outside of any struggle, it can be easy to dismiss or minimize the challenges that accompany the hardship. But what kinds of insights and perspectives could you gain if you had the opportunity to step outside of your own experience? That’s exactly what Drew Manning did in 2011 when he experimented with gaining and losing 70 pounds. Drew is a fitness influencer, podcaster, and New York Times Best Selling Author who has shared his personal physical, emotional, and mental transformation. Now he’s challenging himself again, with the clear intention of sharing why empathy is the key missing in the fitness industry.  On today’s show, my good friend Drew is back to share meaningful lessons about accountability, what’s truly behind physical transformation, and why empathy is such a powerful catalyst for long-lasting change. You’ll also hear the details of Drew’s new fitness chall