The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 478: How Clothing, Cooking, & Culture Controls Our Movement - With Guest Katy Bowman



We know that sedentary behavior is one of the largest contributors to many preventable diseases and ailments. Compared with generations before us, we spend an increasing amount of time being inactive. Thanks to technology, modes of transportation, and societal norms, it’s easier than ever to be sedentary.  However, we were designed to move. In fact, our bodies and our genes expect us to get physical activity on a regular basis. Today’s guest, Katy Bowman is back on The Model Health Show to talk about how we can create a culture of movement within our homes to set our families up for meaningful activity. Katy is a biomechanist, a bestselling author, and a leader in the Movement movement.  On today’s show, Katy is sharing powerful tips from her new book, Grow Wild. You’re going to learn about how to effortlessly fit movement into your daily routines, how to get your whole family moving, and how to change the way you think about exercise. I truly hope you gain a lot of value and empowerment from this interview w